

Tracking analytics on your forms in Framer

When you need to know which of your campaigns are converting and which aren't - you can simply use our build in tracking and analytics.

What you'll learn

How to optimise your forms in Framer to actually improve your conversion. We dive deeper in all of the tracking and analytics features MagicForm has to offer.

What page drives results

Retrieving the URL

If you have multiple forms on your site, how do you know which of your forms on your Framer site is actually bringing in leads? It gets even worse when you add a form to one of your Framer CMS collections. That way it can become quite challenging to find out which of your pages is converting.

Luckily, you don't have to do anything manually to solve this. MagicForm automatically captures the URL of the page where the submissions originates from.

That way you'll easily know which form is actually responsible for the submission, without having to create a unique form for each CRM item.

This feature is only accessible to subscribers to the Analytics plan of MagicForm.










UTM Source


UTM Campaign






What marketing activity brings in leads

UTM and Cookies

It becomes even more dire to understand what works and what not, when you are bringing in pageviews on your Framer site through paid marketing campaigns.

To help you figure out which of your marketing efforts actually increase conversion we've added quite some magic to our form builder.

That's why we automatically catch the UTM tags and Cookies that are attached to your visitors sessions and store these with your submissions. This will enable you to completely track which of your marketing campaigns are bringing in leads - and also fill out the form.

By collecting this information, you'll have an easy way to collect the data you'll need to further improve your marketing activities.

This feature is only accessible to subscribers to the Analytics plan of MagicForm.

Map out the complete customer journey

Append formdata

If you want to go one step further and actually follow the whole customer journey of that specific prospect, we have a nice little bonus feature inside our form builder.

It appends the form data of the submission to your redirect URL. This will enable you to actually see the specific URL in your analytics tool of choice and trace back the whole customer journey for that specific visitor.

Appending form data means that the data of that submission will be added to the URL. So if your form asks for: email and name, those data points will be appended to the back of the URL after redirect.

Activating this is actually very easy. All you need to do is:

Step 1. Open the Success tab of the MagicForm component in Framer.

Step 2. Make sure the On Success dropdown is set to Redirect URL.

Step 3. Setup a redirect URL and make sure Append Query Params is set to Yes.

This will automatically add the form data to the redirect URL.

Need some help?

Need some help?

Need some help?

Have a question or need a hand with setting up your MagicForm.

Feel free to reach out. We are here to help!

Have a question or need a hand with setting up your MagicForm.

Feel free to reach out. We are here to help!

Have a question or need a hand with setting up your MagicForm. Feel free to reach out. We are here to help!







